The Role of Neuroimaging in Neurosciences and Psychiatric Diseases
Yihong Yang , 博士、高级研究员
报告地点:北京师范大学 京师学堂第三会议室(地下一层)
Yihong Yang(杨一鸿)现任美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)终身高级研究员, 美国国家药物成瘾研究所(NIDA)磁共振影像与频谱部主任。多年来从事脑功能影像、动物影像模型、磁共振频谱等技术研究、以及脑影像技术在药物成瘾方面的应用。已在国际主流期刊发表学术论文170多篇,包括PNAS十篇, Brain, Neuron, JAMA Psychiatry, Science Advance 等多篇。2017年当选国际磁共振医学学会会士(Fellow), 2018年当选美国医学与生物工程学会会士(Fellow)。
Neuroimaging has played an increasingly important role in understanding neurobiological mechanisms of normal and aberrant human behaviors, as well as in potential treatments of psychiatric disorders. In particular, integrated neuroimaging studies of humans and preclinical models may provide significant advantages to identify and verify imaging biomarkers that would lead to more efficacious treatment for psychiatric diseases. In this presentation, the value of forward-translational (from animal models to clinical studies) and backward-translational (from clinical studies to animal models) will be discussed, and our latest research findings in this direction will be demonstrated. Optimal treatment strategies using brain modulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) will be presented.