Cognitive Processing in the Monkey Cerebellum
Michael E. Goldberg 医学博士、教授
Michael E. Goldberg博士任美国哥伦比亚大学神经科学系和心理学系David Mahoney资深教授。2011年当选为美国科学院院士。曾获Patricia Goldman-Rakic认知神经科学奖。采用非人灵长类动物模型和神经电生理技术,研究大脑(视觉)注意、搜索与警觉等高级脑功能的神经机理。
讲座摘要: It is well known that the cerebellum is important in motor control and motor learning. However, recent fMRI and anatomical studies have demonstrated that the cerebellum projects to prefrontal areas that are not intimately related to motor control. We trained monkeys on a visuomotor learning task, in which they learn to assign one of two symbols to a well-learned left hand movement, and the other to a well-learned right hand movement. Hand-movement related cerebellar Purkinje cells fire during the task when the symbols are overlearned. When we change the symbols to fractal symbols that the monkey has never seen before, the activity of the neurons changes immediately, and tracks the learning process, although the kinematics of the movements do not change. During one particular epoch of the trial, a given neuron will report the success or failure of the prior trial. This difference epoch can occur from the beginning of the trial to the period immediately after the hand movement. Across the population, the difference epochs tile the entire trial, so that at any given time in the trial a subset of neurons is reporting prior success or failure. This is the first demonstration of learning-related activity in the monkey where the kinematics of the movement did not change, but the monkey had to learn the significance of a new set of symbols.
时间:2018年5月7日 (周一)上午10-12点
地点:北京师范大学京师学堂大楼 第三会议室(地下一层)