Unified Neural Choice Mechanisms for Perceptual and Value-Based Decision Making
Christian Ruff 博士,教授
Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Christian C. Ruff博士是瑞士苏黎世大学社会与神经系统研究实验室教授。2006年获伦敦大学学院 (University College London) 认知神经科学博士。自2009年任职苏黎世大学社会与神经系统研究实验室。Ruff教授实验室主要研究感知,经济与社会决策的神经机制。运用心理学与经济学理论,神经成像技术与脑刺激技术等多种手段相结合阐述决策的神经计算模型。已在Science,Neuron,Nature Comminications,Current Biology等国际知名学术期刊上发表70余篇研究论文,被引4千余次。
Our choices can be guided by both perceptual information about the environment (what is the food in front of me?) and value-related information about our subjective preferences (do I like it?). Theoretical accounts suggest that both types of decisions involve neural computations accumulating evidence for the choice alternatives; however, little is known about the overlap or differences in the neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perceptual versus value-based choice. In my talk, I will present a series of studies designed to address this issue. An EEG experiment identifies candidate neural oscillatory signals for evidence accumulation processes in both domains. A subsequent tACS experiment demonstrates that some of these oscillatory processes are causally required for inter-regional communication that drives value-based choices, and relate to fronto-parietal effective connectivity as ascertained with concurrent tACS-fMRI. Further model-based fMRI work identifies mechanisms by which neural value representations in the ventro-medial prefrontal cortex relate to behavioural goals for both value-based and perceptual decisions. Taken together, these studies outline a unified neuro-computational framework for both perceptual and value-based decision-making.
时间:2016年12月5日 下午3-5点
地点:北京师范大学 京师学堂大楼 第三学术报告厅(地下一层)