Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying delay of gratification
Joseph W. Kable,博士,副教授
Baird Term Associate Professor of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Joseph W. Kable现任宾美国夕法尼亚大学心理学系与市场经济系副教授,主要基于脑成像技术,揭示人类经济行为与决策的神经机制以及个体差异。现担任国际神经经济学会会长,曾获得国际神经经济学会Early Career Award等奖励,获得美国NIH多项资助。研究成果主要发表在Nature neuroscience、Neuron、Nature Human Behavior、elife 和Journal of Neuroscience等国际权威学术期刊。
报告摘要: People often choose more desirable future rewards over less desirable immediate ones, but then abandon that choice before the future reward arrives. Examples range from the mundane, such as leaving a bus stop and paying for a cab instead, to the more consequential, such quitting smoking but then relapsing or not sticking with most new year's resolutions. Psychologists often explain such behavior by reference to fundamental limitations in human cognitive systems, such as limited willpower or self-control. I will argue for an alternative explanation that places this behavior within the same general framework widely used to explain decisions from the perceptual to the economic, in which the failure to maintain delay of gratification arises from a rational reevaluation process regarding uncertain delayed outcomes. I will present theoretical, behavioral, and neural evidence in support of such a 'value-based' account of delay of gratification.”