New and Old Ideas about the Roles of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex and Dentate Gyrus in Hippocampal Function
James J. Knierim 博士、教授
美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院、Krieger 意识/脑科学研究所
Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, United States
Knierim教授长期研究“内嗅皮层-海马”连接通路与海马内部环路的各个节点如何编码和表征外界场景信息、以及如何参与形成场景记忆。他是海马环路和功能研究领域的权威学者之一。他首次提出了内、外侧内嗅皮层分别将“空间位置”和“物体特性”信息特异地传输入海马的理论,以及海马内部环路中各个节点差异性编码和计算神经信息的生理机制(Nature 2004;Science,2005)。在相关领域中已发表了60多篇实验研究论文,包括多篇在Nature、Science、Nat Neurosci、Neuron、J Neurosci等知名学术期刊上发表的论文。Knierim教授于1991年获California Institute of Technology神经生物学博士学位;1992-1995,University of Arizona从事博士后研究;1998-2011,担任The University of Texas at Houston助理教授与副教授;2011年始加入Johns Hopkins University担任教授。
Great progress has been achieved in recent years in understanding the firing properties and computational significance of place cells of the hippocampus and grid cells of the medial entorhinal cortex. However, comparable study of the dentate gyrus region of the hippocampus and the lateral entorhinal cortex has lagged behind. Here I will present data suggesting a role of the lateral entorhinal cortex in representing the animal’s egocentric bearing relative to external landmarks. I will also present data in support of the classical theories of the dentate gyrus producing a very sparse code in support of pattern separation.
时间:2017年10月19日 (周四)上午10-12点