时间:10月12日(周一),10:00 AM
报告人: Ze Wang, Ph.D., Professor, Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders, Hangzhou Normal University
题目: Advanced Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI Sequence and Post-processing Techniques and Their Clinical Applications
摘要: Arterial spin labeling perfusion (ASL) MRI is a noninvasive technique for quantifying cerebral blood flow (CBF). Because of the tight coupling between CBF and neural activity, ASL MRI has great potentials in both clinical and cognitive neuroscience and pharmaceutical research. In ASL, perfusion signal is obtained from the difference between MR images acquired with and without arterial spin labeling. Limited by the T1 decay of the labeled spins, labeling time in ASL is usually limited. Because a post labeling delay time is required for transmitting spins to the imaging place, the available time for acquiring the signal is also limited. Both these factors contribute a low signal-noise-ratio (SNR). Improving SNR is then a major aim of most ASL technique development. Since the last decade, we have been working on advanced ASL imaging sequence and advanced ASL signal processing algorithm. In this talk, I will introduce some of the work we performed in both directions. I will also show some of the clinical applications based on ASL MRI.
报告人简介: Ze Wang, PhD, IEEE Senior Member, Professor and Principal Investigator of the Center for Cognition and Brain Disorder, Hangzhou Normal University. Dr. Wang got his PhD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2003 and his post-doc training by Dr. John A Detre at the University of Pennsylvania (Upenn). He was a Research Assistant Professor at Upenn before he joined the faculty of Hangzhou Normal University. Dr. Wang is currently supported by the Youth 1000 Talent Program, Hangzhou Qianjiang Endowed Professorship. He has published 65 peer-reviewed journal papers mostly as the first author, corresponding author, last author, or sole author. His H-index is 24. Dr. Wang has developed 4 software packages: 3D Fast spin echo spiral readout ASL perfusion MRI sequence and online reconstruction program, ASL signal processing toolbox(ASLtbx), Brain entropy mapping toolbox (BENtbx), multivariate-lesion symptom mapping toolbox (SVR-LSM). All are freely available from
https://cfn.upenn.edu/~zewang. In 2005, Dr. Wang has been awarded with the 2005 Shanghai Excellent Thesis Award, and the Nomination Award of 2005 National 100 Excellent PhD Thesis. He has been a board member or associate editors for several international journals.