报告人: Nikolai Axmacher
报告地点: 脑成像中心(小红楼)203
报告时间: 2023年3月27日(周一) 16:00
Nikolai Axmacher,德国波鸿鲁尔大学心理学部认知神经所神经心理系教授。在Science、PNAS、Nature Neurosciences、Trends in Cognitive Science、Trends in Neuroscience、Nature Communications、Current Biology、Elife、Neuron等权威期刊发表多篇学术论文。
Memories form our identity, but we can also be haunted by involuntary and intrusive memories for experiences that are unpleasant, stressful, or even traumatic. In my presentation, I will discuss how cognitive neuroscience can contribute to a mechanistic understanding of the distorted memory traces underlying memory for stressful and traumatic events. These studies may allow us to understand some of the phenomenological features of these memories, such as their specificity for central events (weapon focus effect), their overgeneralized and sensory nature, and the fact that they may be ubiquitously triggered by neutral cues. I will also discuss conceptual questions how therapeutic interventions may influence these memory traces, and present results on the impact of voluntary forgetting on memory traces.