The experimental platform for brain function regulation mainly adopts the methods of biofeedback, magnetic field and electric current stimulation to intervene in brain functions, and observe the changes of subjects' cognitive behavior, along with EEG and near-infrared results. The lab is equipped with Magstim's Rapid2 magnetic stimulation device, Brainsight2.0 navigation system, single-channel transcranial direct current stimulation (Neuroconn tDCS), and high-precision direct current stimulation (Neuroconn HD-TDCS, Soterix HD-TDCS), ultrasonic brain stimulation, physiological multi-guide instrument and other sets of equipment. This platform is mainly used to conduct research in the fields of autism, cognitive neural mechanisms of memory, and social cognition.

Magstim's Rapid2 magnetic stimulation device

Brainsight navigation system

Neuroconn tDCS single-channel transcranial direct current stimulation

Neuroconn HD-tDCS multichannel transcranial direct current stimulation system