The structure and function of the brain have long been the topic of exploration by scientists. To understand how the brain works, researchers have created the brain navigation map, i.e. brain atlases, which are still being developed and improved. In recent years, on one hand, it is possible to non-invasively delineate the structural and functional areas of the human brain and map its connectivity patterns using multimodal brain imaging, which provides a new approach to the development of the next-generation of human brain atlases. For example, the human Brainnetome atlas was developed based on the connectional architecture, which not only contains fine-grained structures of both cortical and subcortical regions but also provides a quantitative mapping of the anatomy and functional connectivity patterns. On the other hand, non-human primates have the closest evolutionary relationship with humans, especially in terms of the structure and function of the nervous system, and they are more closely related to humans than other experimental animals. At present, mapping of the non-human primate brains is incomplete and relatively preliminary, which has limited our understanding of brain structure and function. Therefore, comparative studies among primate species will help to further clarify the similarities and differences in the structure and function of the brain between non-human primates and humans. It is not only important to understand the unique cognitive functions of the human brain, but also essential for the establishment of non-human primate models of major brain diseases and the development of new techniques for diagnosis and therapy.
樊令仲,医学博士,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心年轻骨(http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~fanlingzhong)。主要从事宏观尺度上基于多模态脑成像技术的脑网络组学研究,致力于绘制面向脑科学与脑疾病研究的新一代人类脑图谱,并建立其应用范式。已在国际期刊,包括《Cerebral Cortex》、《NeuroImage》和《Journal of Neuroscience》等杂志上发表SCI收录论文共50余篇,主持国家自然科学基金、973子课题以及北京市科委脑医学计划项目,并作为研究骨干参与多项基金委、科技部以及科学院的研究课题中。近年来,作为核心骨干,负责完成了人类脑网络组图谱的绘制,该项成果得到了国内外同行的广泛认可和高度评价,入选了两院院士评选的“2016年中国十大科技进展新闻”,以及 “2016年中国十大医学进展” ,2018年,入选“中国科学院改革开放四十年40项标志性科技成果”。2017年入选中国科学院青年促进会培养计划,并荣获第三届"中国青年解剖科学家奖"。目前担任中国解剖学会脑网络组分会副主任委员、断层影像解剖学分会委员、中国解剖学会青年委员会常务委员、以及中国研究型医院学会脑功能研究与转化分会委员等学术任职。